Thursday, October 24, 2013

Police stops robbers’ attempt to hijack bullion van

A suspected armed robber was shot dead and another arrested when policemen stopped an attempt to intercept a bullion van conveying money for a commercial bank in Apapa area of Lagos metropolis,
yesterday. During the heavy gun duel between the robbers and the police, three persons including a military personnel were injured. We gathered that the robbers, who were operating on three motorcycles had opened fire on the bullion van along the Mobil Road. The sound of the sporadic gunshots made the Nigerian Police wake up to the task and started tracing the location where the gunshots were coming from and finally met the robbers, who had already over powered the men in the van and their escort. The robbers on sighting the policemen tried to scare the police away by firing at them but the policemen responded with fire. It was gathered that the hoodlums, who did not take the gallantry of the policemen lightly, turned the place into a war zone. The police and the robbers engaged themselves in a gun battle that lasted for about 30 minutes , in the process a military personnel and innocent citizens were injured.

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