A few days, it was reported that the Vice president of Nigeria Namadi Sambo joined the team of Federal Government delegates to resolve the on going issues with #ASUU as students have now been home for almost 3months. Following the meeting on Friday with Namadi Sambo present, we’ve learnt there is a
possibility of the strike being suspended in the next week or so. This would be brilliant if that is the case. As it means, VP Sambo has been able to reach some sort of working agreement with ASUU members. We’ll have to wait for news on the details of the agreement reached. In the meantime, I got this from a colleague on the effects of the strike. Read below. Okay, now I found the perfect spot for the calendar, very close to my bed, so that I would remember every morning that another “illegal” day has been added to my “supposed” four year course in the University Of Lagos, thanks to the Academic Staff Union Of Universities (Asuu) and the Federal Government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (FG) *stressing the ’F’ words* It so disheartening and unfortunate that the battle between the high and mighty has, and will always continue to affect us, because there is ALMOST nothing we can do about it. Most of this so called “our Guys” that “we” voted for are only adding more to the problems they met on ground, as their seemingly redundant ears angers the public, especially the youths which holds the heart of the economy. The third month is almost over, and we are still being tossed here and there like a DSTV remote. Definitely, our dear leaders are not taking so many things into consideration. We can’t wait forever. My four year course has been stretched by 3months (some people claim seniority with 3months oh). If this keeps going on and I (God forbid) end up graduating at a rather awkward age (adding the years I wasted at home applying for admission, and getting denied, because we had too many applicants for very few available schools, which is not my fault, but the responsibility of the government). Now, if the strike does prolong for longer than it should(I am currently an Economics student - a 4 year course which could go on for 6years if this continues), I face the risk of being too old with no prior experience(most jobs I would like to apply for require a minimum of 5 years experience) - when I have used all my supposed working experience years in school embroiled in education politics. By the time I manage to get the years of experience needed, I am too old to apply for the job… BET WHY The worst thing the government can do is to delay or even try to change the future of the country, because, believe it or not, during this wait, many youths have lost hope in education and would rather go and sleep over in studios, begging for sessions to make junk music and BLOW. That’s why these days sef, the artistes are more than their fans… I mean, how sure are you that I am not already thinking of using my next school fees to get a laptop and a modem for my ‘YH industry’. In fairness, the FG needs to settle ASUUguys, but honestly, there has to be another way for them(ASUU) to show their dissatisfaction besides holding the nation’s future to ransom. It’s quite unfair. Most of us are idle which is not so healthy for the mind; it gives room for the devil to magnify our already mischievous thoughts and gives will to do (the Negative). So next time when you are wondering one of the major causes of increased rate of corruption in the country, don’t think too far before you mention Asuu Strike. Dear Whoever is in charge, Please do the right thing and be happy with yourself. Let it be said that that you ended there miserable months of endless wait. And let the souls of all the frustrated Nigerian students pray for you… Amen That ends my frustration inspired Lecture “ASUU 411”.
Written By Michael McCharming
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