Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Hmmmm..7 Important Things Couples Should Know About Relationships

To have a lifetime of happiness together, every couple should know many important things about relationships. We usually get these skills and knowledge through experience, but it is
possible just to realize the fact. Check out the list of 7 important things couples should know about relationships.
1. Kindness makes miracles

Nowadays, the power of kindness is known to a limited number of people. Life is so busy that we forget to be kind in different situations. It doesn’t take much effort to be kinder, just develop a habit of being that way. If you make a decision to be kinder, you will notice how powerful such feature of character as kindness is. It has a great set of benefits which can make your relationship healthier and stronger.
2. Everyone faces bad days

It’s not necessary to treat your boyfriend’s bad mood as something personal against you. Everyone should know that all people face bad days and get into complicated situations. You may have stresses in different spheres of life. You cannot be always involved in your partner’s affair and it is hard to guess what has happened. Just allow your partner to fight these difficulties and handle the overall situation. Don’t take it personally.
3. Don’t quarrel in public

It is true that strong and lasting relationship usually include disagreements at one time or another. Many couples find it a constituent part of any relationship. But it doesn’t mean that you should sort out your relationship in the public. Sure, you can make the air blue if necessary. But you will look too impulsive and hysterical that is the high way to obtain negative reputation. Don’t wash your dirty linen in public. If you have disagreements, try to solve them at home.
4. Forgiveness is the core thing

Only those couples who forgive each other have long-term relationships. You should understand that no one is perfect. Both of you can make mistakes and the best way is to accept that fact. Let bygone be bygones. If you hold the past against one another, you will put the burning fire of love out. Enjoy your love and life as much as possible and forgive sins.
5. Laughing together is an essential thing

Good emotions, especially laughter can heal hearts and unite people. Laughter has the power to break inner barriers, tension and even fights the stress. A suitable joke can easily help you make it up with each other. According to the experts, laughter makes us live longer, producing useful hormones which slow down the process of aging. Moreover, it’s a wonderful way to stay positive and always be in good spirits.
6. Communicate clearly

You should realize that most people aren’t good at mind-reading. Many couples become disappointed with each other, because they just cannot read the mind of each other. Why do we need to read minds? It’s easier to communicate in a clear way. It will save you a lot of nerves and time. It’s normal to say what you want and there is no need to use puzzles while communicating with each other.
7. The sense of commitment

Commitment proves your love and shows how significant you are for your beloved. This way you show your feelings and desire to commit to only one another. When the value of commitment is available, you can rely on your partner. This is the core part of all relationships. Deeds, not words!

A happy and lasting relationship consists of many factors and rules, but you may want to try to stick to these rules to have a healthy relationship. It requires being reasonable and wise in different life situations. What things do you consider important for a lasting relationship?

Dear Ladies, 5 Compliments Your Man Wants To Hear
Saturday, April 19, 2014 4:40 PM

Like the ones from the opposite sex, women are accustomed to receiving compliments – from the random guy at the pub to the street whistler! On the other hand, men rarely get a compliment. So fire off a meaningful compliment to your man and make way for a steaming night ahead.

Boy, you can work it!
Tell your man how awesome he is in the bedroom – this one definitely ranks at the top of his list! A guy dies to hear how good he is at the skills he works so hard to perfect.

What would I do without you?
Guys love to feel needed. Whether it is to help you understand bank work or simply open a jam jar — it is one of the greatest feelings for a man that you can’t live without them. Cuddle him and tell him it would have been impossible for you to do anything without him.

Crave to spend more time with you
Sometimes you need to connect with his inner being as well. No matter how much you compliment on his looks or his skills – your efforts will go waste if you don’t let him know how much you love him and want to be with him. Tell him that it is his innate characteristics that draw you closer to him.

You are excellent at your job!
Praising your guy’s brain power is a must! Every guy wants to know that he is awesome at his task. Go that extra mile and tell him how much you admire him for the way he shows his dedication and loyalty towards his work. This one will touch him….really!

You’re so freaking hot!
This is one compliment that will instantly lift his spirits. Complimenting a guy on his good looks is okay, but it is a different thing altogether to tell him what makes him so desirable – serve up his accolade, gently touch his body parts to add an extra sizzle to it.

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